Business Process Management

Business process management refers to the use of technology to automate, improve or streamline business processes and enhance overall organizational productivity. iENGINEERING has designed, developed and executed several large-scale projects related to business process management. These solutions helped our clients to remarkably improve their business processes and achieve more profits while utilizing less resources.

Listed below are some prominent projects we have executed in this sector.

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iENGINEERING developed AASHTO DataMine for the AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation Program. AASHTO DataMine is the online repository of data and audit reports for all Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions.

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Sheridan Select is a versatile, powerful, and undeniably revolutionary on-demand print management platform designed and developed by iENGINEERING.

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dartmouth journal services product

DJS eBill is an end-to-end billing and print order workflow management system for print publications, print issues, and articles.

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