Chantilly, Virginia – May 31, 2011.
iENGINEERING delivers the GreenGuide eBook to ASHRAE. The ASHRAE GreenGuide contains guidelines and strategies to aid HVAC&R system designers, architects, building owners, building managers/operators, and/or contractors in their designing a green building. iENGINEERING has taken this ASHRAE product that at one time was only available as a PDF or hardcopy and created an easily accessible eBook that will allow readers a more convenient way of reading and transporting this 488 paged book.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is an international organization whose mission is to provide technical and educational information in regard to heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
About iENGINEERING Corporation
iENGINEERING Corporation is a privately owned firm providing technology solutions to organizations across the globe. We specialize in designing, developing, and implementing custom-built solutions for your organization that allow you to stay in line with the latest trends in technology. Our solutions are designed with a customer-centric approach to tailor-fit your specific needs and allow an extremely user-friendly experience. They are robust, reliable, scalable, and customizable to an extent that allows the organization to adapt quickly and transform their businesses conveniently. For more information on the company, please visit the iENGINEERING Corporation website.