Research and Development

“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Technology advances at lightning speed, and successful organizations share an understanding that adaptation needs to occur with matching pace. Research and development contributes to an organization’s superiority by relentlessly seeking ways to improve. Therefore, competitive advantage lies with those organizations who allocate sufficient resources towards research and development in a timely manner. This allows them to be equipped with newer technologies when it matters most.

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The iENGINEERING Applied Research team is a group of technology evangelists, software engineers, and data scientists working together to pursue game-changing advances in artificial intelligence and to develop cutting edge tools for solving complex real-world problems. Our team is focused on combining advances in machine learning with innovations in computer vision, natural language processing, human computer interaction, big data and augmented reality to solve some of the toughest challenges in AI. We develop AI powered products aimed at empowering people and organizations to become more efficient.

Areas of Research

The iENGINEERING team has a diverse skill set having core expertise in the following domains that are shaping the future of technology:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Our AI-technologies utilize machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning to recognize patterns in data or images to retrieve valuable insights.

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Our Blockchain based solutions provide robust information management systems on a decentralized environment to ensure maximum transparency.

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Augmented Reality
Our Augmented Reality solutions provide interactive tools that enable businesses to significantly enhance the user experience for their customers.

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Big Data and Analytics
Our expertise lies in processing large sets of complicated data and extracting useful information which can help organizations improve their businesses.

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Internet of Things (IoT)
Our IoT solutions enable our customers to benefit from the latest advances in machine-to-machine communication and modernize their processes.

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Some of our projects that need special mention in this domain are listed below. You can read more about our featured projects on the “Products and Projects” page.

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iENGINEERING is currently developing an automated software that could process images taken by a specialized vehicle and generate reports about pavement condition, and also detect cracks.

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An efficient and effective solution to generate GIS-based roadway asset inventory for transportation asset management.

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