“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” Peter Drucker
Knowledge holds power beyond our imaginations. The process of organizational self-improvement is entirely dependent upon the evolution of knowledge with time, which enables organizations to store and utilize essential knowledge for organizational purposes, and disseminate the necessary information to the concerned. Moreover, only authorized and relevant resources should be able to access that knowledge to avoid any misuse of organizational information. This requires the use of comprehensive and secure solution that ensures adequate security for the storage and dissemination of organizational knowledge.

Knowledge management is the systematic management of an organization’s knowledge assets for creating value and meeting organizational requirements. Business leaders understand that in order to excel in the digital world, they must develop ways of constantly improving their knowledge management systems. The inability to make the best use of this knowledge can have adverse effects on the long-term sustainability and business performance of any organization.
Our Expertise
iENGINEERING specializes in providing comprehensive and robust solutions that assist our clients in simplifying and streamlining their processes of storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge through simple and user-friendly applications. We have deployed our custom-designed software securely on the cloud to ensure convenient access to all the relevant stakeholders, irrespective of their geographical locations.
Examples of knowledge management platforms developed by iENGINEERING, and their corresponding successes, are accessible below. You can read more about our featured projects on the Products and Projects page.
The ASHRAE Technology portal provides access to the ASHRAE Journal and ASHRAE Research Reports. Members around the world can visit the portal to view a complete archive of Journal issues.
iENGINEERING has implemented GSA in LTPP InfoPave to provide efficient and intuitive search capabilities that retrieve relevant results against user queries.
An online portal that simplifies and streamlines the process of knowledge management and collaboration between different teams working remotely on various projects.