Delivering processed data for transportation projects should not just include bland Excel sheets that are difficult to comprehend. Transportation asset data can now be visually represented in an intuitive way for end-users, which will allow for more useful data analysis and provide an easier means for drawing conclusions. iENGINEERING is pleased to announce the official release of Transconomy Viewer, a new offering in the Transconomy lineup that serves as a value-add for transportation agencies to visualize their data.
Transconomy Viewer provides agencies with the tools to instantly visualize transportation and infrastructure data on color-coded interactive maps. Adding to the Transconomy ecosystem, Transconomy Viewer supports point- and segment-based data attributes and is designed to be data-agnostic, which allows agencies to visualize any type of road attribute on a map. It also enables users to easily share and distribute their visualized data to other users in different agencies.