iENGINEERING has redesigned the MnROAD data portal, which has been hosted on the FHWA LTPP InfoPave website. MnROAD is an accelerated pavement testing facility made up of various research materials and pavements owned and operated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). The MnROAD data portal provides access to part of the pavement monitoring and testing data collected under the MnROAD program. This data includes pavement structure, field monitoring data such as ride quality, deflection measurements (falling-weight deflectometer), surface noise, macrotexture, and visual distress surveys, materials testing data such as aggregate testing, hot mix asphalt tests, binder tests, Portland cement concrete tests, climatic data from weather stations and NASA’s MERRA database, and traffic data. The redesigned data portal provides a seamless user experience to select sections, check data availability, view data through various visualization features, review maps and library documents, and download required data.