NEWSLETTER: October 2019

October 2019
Applied Research: Pothole Detection

Pothole Detection is an integration of the state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for automated real-time identification of potholes from forward-facing images. The media files can be uploaded to the developed website and processed quickly to generate a geo-located map of pothole locations on the road network. The application also provides an estimate of the volume of the potholes to provide maintenance crews with an approximate amount of required materials to patch them. This ongoing project of iENGINEERING uses one of the very latest machine learning algorithms to achieve superior accuracy, efficiency, repeatability, and reproducibility.

iENGINEERING Won the First Prize in R&D at P@SHA ICT Awards

iENGINEERING has been awarded the first prize in the Research and Development category at P@SHA ICT Awards 2019 for the AI-Enabled Automated Traffic Sign Identification. Multiple tech companies contested the competition, including some of the most prominent technology players in the region. iENGINEERING is working to solve real-world problems using cutting-edge technologies including Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Our team of professional data scientists, developers, and engineers is working with direct input from public agencies and the private sector to develop practical solutions for the contemporary challenges of the engineering industries.

iENGINEERING is Developing the new NCHRP SSTL Website

iENGINEERING was tasked with the development of a new website for publishing the Selected Studies in Transportation Law (SSTL) of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The NCHRP currently hosts the SSTL on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) website. These studies are hosted in the form of downloadable CD-ROM (ISO) images. iENGINEERING will design and develop a new WordPress website for hosting all these publications online in the form of PDF (Portable Document Format) files. The new design will transform the website into a more user-friendly platform for access to the publications, chapter by chapter and as a whole. The project is in the design phase and expected to be completed by December 2019.

iENGINEERING to Develop the AREMA Publications Portal

iENGINEERING is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the project for developing a digital publication portal for the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA). iENGINEERING had previously developed a digital publication fulfillment platform that was successfully deployed for many Standard Development Organizations (SDO). Now we are ambitious at developing a more enhanced version for AREMA. The project has been started and planned to go live in March 2020.

Employee Profile: Ammar Waqar (Solution Architect)

Mr. Ammar Waqar is currently leading the Applied Research Group at iENGINEERING. In this group, Ammar is leading project planning, solution design, and applied research for in-house next-generation solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Augmented Reality, among other cutting-edge technologies. His focus is on integrating the most recent advanced technologies within practice-ready frameworks to solve the most pressing problems of the engineering industries. Over the past few years, he has acquired a diverse interdisciplinary exposure and has excelled in his core expertise of devising comprehensive technology solutions for multiple firms in Silicon Valley. He is a problem-solver and brings a distinctive set of skills to pave the way for technology transformation at iENGINEERING. Ammar is an engineer with a master’s degree from the University of South Florida, Tampa.

Project Profile: AASHTO DataMine

AASHTO DataMine is the online repository of data and audit reports for all National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) services. This database provides the tools for performing queries that assist in analyzing and reporting on current and past NTPEP evaluations. The main purpose of the automated system is to provide cost-effective evaluations for the state Departments of Transportation (State DOTs) by eliminating duplication of testing and auditing by the states and duplication of effort by the manufacturers that provide products for evaluation. Currently, it hosts the data for 5,000+ evaluated products, and 1,000+ audited facilities in a unified cloud database for all states of the US. iENGINEERING designed and developed this solution, and has been providing support, maintenance, and enhancement services for the system.