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iENGINEERING and Kimley-Horn joined forces on a transportation asset inventory project for a local agency. iENGINEERING has developed a new service line of AI-enabled transportation engineering software, known as Transconomy, that will automate and accelerate data processing activities for engineering firms and consultants. Kimley-Horn will utilize this service line for processing roadway image data for their client organizations, including State and local highway agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and other transportation asset owners.
Transconomy Asset software is capable of automatically detecting and classifying traffic signs according to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), other point assets (such as light posts, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.), line assets (such as guardrails, medians, barriers, etc.), and many more asset types. iENGINEERING recently delivered transportation asset inventory and condition data by processing roadway images of over 100 lane-miles (nearly 50,000 images) for a local agency that is a client of Kimley-Horn. These raw images were automatically processed to identify assets, remove duplicates, geo-tag asset locations on a map, and provide condition information. Transconomy Asset software has been tested by other engineering consulting firms and two State highway agencies.
For more information about this new AI-enabled service line, please visit the Transconomy website.

The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Publications portal is now available to AREMA members and customers. This web portal, which was developed by iENGINEERING, provides access to AREMA digital publications, and is integrated with the AREMA Store. The main objective of this project was to digitize the delivery process for AREMA publications. This platform streamlines the publishing of technical documents for future electronic delivery and fulfillment by using built-in workflows for digital delivery of publications in secure Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). This platform supports multiple content licensing models that include single-user and network multi-user licensing.

iENGINEERING successfully completed the SDR-34 data release and additional application updates for LTPP InfoPave on July 27, 2020. This release contains updates, additions, and changes made to the Pavement Performance Database (PPDB). Maintenance updates were also applied to the LTPP InfoPave website.
The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program collects a large amount of pavement performance data that includes inventory, maintenance, monitoring, rehabilitation, materials testing, traffic, and climatic data. This data has been made available by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for pavement engineers, researchers, and other interested agencies. For this purpose, the data is released every year in the form of Oracle database dumps as part of the Standard Data Release (SDR). The SDR is also available in Microsoft Access and SQL Server formats for end-users. The SDR release includes updates to the Pavement Performance Database (PPDB), Ancillary Information Management System (AIMS), Reference Library, and resolution of various data and UI-related queries.
Ms. Saima Naz is a senior resource who has been a part of iENGINEERING since 2009. She has been primarily working as a Manager at the Project Management Office (PMO), with additional responsibilities as internal auditor and implementation lead for ISO 9001, 27001, 20000, and CMMI Level 5 certifications. Ms. Naz formed and led the Software Engineering Process Group for the successful completion of CMMI level 5 certification. She led and developed all the processes and ensured their implementation both at the project and organization level. Her responsibilities include maintaining all of these certifications and representing iENGINEERING in the audits conducted by third parties.
Project Management responsibilities of Ms. Naz include project estimation, scheduling, planning, coordination and execution, and monitoring and control. She is the custodian of project management Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) at iENGINEERING. Ms. Naz holds a master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialization in image processing and software engineering. She has multiple certifications, including ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor, ISO 20000-1:2011 Lead Auditor, ISO 27001:2013 Lead Implementer, CMMI Lead Implementer, CMMI Foundations of Capability, and CMMI Building Development Excellence.
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