GSA for InfoPave

The LTPP InfoPave project is a web-centric interface for accessing pavement engineering data and other resources for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program. iENGINEERING has implemented Google Search Appliance (GSA) in LTPP InfoPave to provide efficient and intuitive search capabilities that retrieve relevant results against user queries from a large data warehouse developed for the project. The search functionality not only allows the users to search across all the sections of the website, but also narrow down their search results through different GSA collections based on the classification, category, and source of the data.

As the LTPP InfoPave data source consists of a data warehouse implemented in Oracle, Oracle Database Connector was used to provide input data feed to Google Search Appliance. There are two types of feeds that can be input to GSA; metadata feed and content feed.

LTPP InfoPave GSA Search

Following are the technology and application domain areas serviced by iENGINEERING for the GSA for InfoPave project:

  • GSA deployment and setup
  • Data-centric GSA implementation for a large data warehouse
  • Oracle database connector integration
  • Dynamic JQuery custom front-end implementation
  • Content and metadata feed implementation
  • Support