LTPPBind Online

Long-Term Pavement Performance Bind (LTPPBind) Online is a web-based tool used to select asphalt binder performance grades (PGs). LTPPBind allows the use of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) climatic data, LTPP climatic data, and manual data.

As LTPPBind Online is a web-based tool, users are not required to install any machine-specific software. An internet connection is all that is required to access the LTPPBind tool. Based on the selected climatic data source and appropriate input parameters, the LTPPBind Online is equipped to do the following:

  • Select binder PGs based on actual temperature conditions at the site and the level of risk designated by the highway agency.
  • Adjust the PG selection for traffic loading and speed
  • Compare binder PGs between different AASHTO standards.

In simple terms, this tool allows the user to select the most suitable binder PG for asphalt depending upon the site conditions and the construction standards issued by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

iENGINEERING designed and developed the Long-Term Pavement Performance Bind (LTPPBind) Online web-based tool for the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. We also offer technical support, maintenance and enhancement services for the project.

LTPPBind Online

Following are the technology and application domain areas serviced by iENGINEERING for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Bind (LTPPBind) project:

  • Performance grade (PG) calculation implementation
  • Web-based software development
  • Geographic maps implementation
  • MERRA-2 climatic data processing and integration
  • SSL implementation