iENGINEERING exemplified the potential benefits of the AASHTOWare Alliance Program with a new “Data Alliance” between AASHTOWare and iENGINEERING.
This alliance is centered around an Application Programming Interface (API) developed by iENGINEERING in collaboration with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) InfoPaveTM, which integrates NASA’s Modern Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA-2) climatic data with the AASHTOWare OpenAPI. The FHWA LTPP InfoPaveTM API provides critical climatic data services to the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design product, enabling state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to access essential hourly climatic data for specific geolocations. NASA’s MERRA-2 climate data is the only available data source that provides users with access to processed versions of climatic data inputs.
The LTPP InfoPaveTM API provides an authoritative source of climate data required for pavement design, analysis, and forecasting. By leveraging the API, users can access Hourly Climatic Data (HCD) for specific geolocations or entire counties. This API has been integrated with the AASHTOWare OpenAPI to provide climatic data services for AASHTOWare products. It allows for integration with AASHTOWare applications to access, interpret, and analyze MERRA-2 climatic data, providing HCD files from any location or device.
iENGINEERING is the sole provider of MERRA-2 climate data, hosted on the LTPP InfoPaveTM website under contract with FHWA. The data have been collected globally from 1979 to the present at an hourly temporal resolution and a horizontal spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees latitude by 0.67 degrees longitude (approximately 50 by 65 km at mid-latitudes).

Access Climatic Data
Integrate applications with MERRA-2 climatic data through the API. The AASHTOWare Open API integration allows full compatibility for integration with AASHTOWare applications.

Ensure Data Accuracy
The seamless flow of data from the FHWA LTPP InfoPaveTM MERRA-2 database eliminates potential human errors and ensures access to accurate data records.

Utilize Data Range
Acquire and leverage data for a specified time range, climatic attribute (temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, or solar), and frequency (annual, monthly, daily, or hourly) for design, analytics, and forecasting.
Unlimited Use License
The FHWA LTPP InfoPaveTM API is available at no cost to AASHTO and is integrated with the AASHTOWare Pavement ME product. Custom license is available for integration with AASHTO and State DOT products and services.
iENGINEERING Corporation can be reached at the following:
iENGINEERING Corporation
24805 Pinebrook Road, Suite 204
Chantilly, Virginia 20152
Phone: (703) 722-2980
Fax: (703) 722-2981