Inspector Mobile is a state-of-the-art software solution for the collection of field pavement condition information for airport and roadway systems that are part of a Pavement Management System. This data collected on the field consists of pavement distresses and pavement inventory that can be uploaded to a pavement management system program such as MicroPAVER. The solution includes a companion PMS Explorer software specifically designed to allow data visualization and interface with MicroPAVER.
Inspector Mobile is a software application developed for the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system and it uses ESRI ArcPad environment and utilizes the GIS and GPS capabilities available in ArcPad. The data collection procedures implemented in Inspector Mobile follows ASTMs D5340-04 Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys and D6433-03 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys.

Inspector Mobile uses state-of-the-art technology for mobile data collection such as GIS and GPS. Inspector Mobile has a unique user interface that uses a geo-referenced sample unit level GIS map to facilitate the navigation and collection of field pavement condition data. Inspector Mobile can also be used without a GIS map as an efficient tool to collect PCI data. Inspector Mobile eliminates the need for the pencil and paper standard collection method, as it also contains a help file that describes the collection distress criteria used in the ASTM and MicroPAVER. Inspector Mobile also eliminates the chances of a potential error from manual PCI data entry since its database format is directly imported into MicroPAVER.
PMS Explorer companion software is developed for the Microsoft Windows XP/Vista operating system using Microsoft .NET technology. PMS Explorer consists of a graphical user interface that interfaces with the MicroPAVER pavement management software. PMS Explorer allows the user to import/export inventory and inspection data, view a PMS database created in MicroPAVER, view Maintenance and Rehabilitation results as well as condition analysis results, and display results in Crystal Reports using maps, graphical, and tabular database information. Furthermore, the reporting capabilities of PMS Explorer can be modified to suit user requirements.

The PMS Explorer import and export tool allows the user to export a MicroPAVER database to a Microsoft Pocket PC based PDA to be used for field inspections. The export can include GIS maps that can be used along with GPS to facilitate field PCI inspections.
MicroPAVER database and GIS can be easily reviewed using the MicroPAVER Explorer and GIS Explorer modules available in PMS Explorer. Additionally, any database exported or imported to the PDA can also be reviewed before interfacing with MicroPAVER.
Inspector Mobile and PMS Explorer present the latest and most efficient way to collect data since their application reduces cost and effort to provide PCI data collection services.